How to prepare your family before photo session. When it comes to a family photo session do you feel nervous? Do you worry, are my kids going to be good? Will they behave in front of the camera?
My husband hates taking photos, but we really need family photos before the kids get bigger! So many things to think about.
I would say the better you prepare the better the results.
Let’s plan for each family member together!

Let’s start with mom.
- Mom is usually the one taking the photos but now it’s your time to shine! You need hair and makeup done. Seriously it makes a big difference. Can you imagine having someone giving you this service while you take a break from your kids before the photoshoot, making you look beautiful so that you will relax and feel confident? I have hair and makeup recommended lists if you want! I want you to be as stress-free as possible. Photos portray emotions and when you look back at it I want you to remember the great experience from your family photo session.
- Make enough time to prepare on the day of your session, so you don’t feel rushed and anxious.
Let go of your need for perfection.This Is the biggest anxiety for most moms. It’s ok if your kids aren’t “perfect” during our time together.
- Don’t worry about your kids not giving me their “real smiles.” Most of the time, being told “not that smile, your REAL smile!” only makes it worse… So, don’t worry. I will work hard to get them laughing and will be sure to capture them at their best!

- Make sure he is rested and fed – Haha! But really… rested and fed applies to the grown-ups too!
- Most men aren’t overly excited to take photos for an hour, mostly because they don’t have an expectation of what’s to come and why it’s so important to you, which is why I recommend sitting down together to educate and empower your man. Tell him why you chose me and my style of photography. Show him your three favorite sessions that I’ve done,
Explain why you love family photos so much and express to him how much this session means to you.
- Trust me, if he loves you, he’ll bring his A-game and light up the camera for you! The most common thing I hear from guys before portrait sessions is this: because of a bad experience in the past, they don’t like taking photos or don’t feel like they’ll be good at it. By the time the session is over, though, most guys can’t believe how fast it went and just how much fun they had!
- Let him know that the best thing he can do is to just enjoy his family- and let ME do the work. The pressure is off.

How to Prep your kids
- Make sure they are rested It also helps if your kids’ bellies are full and they’ve had some good rest before the session. After you do your best to prepare them, give yourself (and them) some grace! I have a lot of experience working with kids, so if they’re “in a mood” or aren’t cooperating perfectly for some reason, rest assured that we’re not judging you (or them). I’ve seen it all and know how to get great photos no matter what!
My goal is to make this as fun and stress-free as it possibly can be for you and your family!
- Make sure they are fed


- Tell them what we will be doing, and make it sound exciting! Make this exciting for them, – consider a reward/ something fun afterwards Let them be little! Just give them grace to be little, and know I will capture their personalities no matter what.
- Before your session, pack a bag with water and your kids’ favorite snacks. If they’re too young to follow directions, bring any objects that you think might help me get their attention (like small toys or stuffed animals) when it’s time for them to look at the camera. If your little ones are old enough to understand you, it’s a good idea to prepare them for what’s to come before the session starts. Explain how much the photos mean to you so they know to be on their best behavior. A lot of families pick something fun to do –– as a treat after the session –– if their kiddos are good listeners. Like dinner at their favorite pizza place or an ice cream cone!

This season of life feels long right now, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s short. So even if things don’t go exactly as planned or as you’d hoped in terms of your kids’ behavior, one day, you’ll be so glad you took these photos.
Read more Family Blog Post Here
[…] A: I know how to work with your entire family to help you create genuine and memorable photos! You can also check out this blog post on how to prepare your family for a family shoot. […]