There’s nothing quite so beautiful as motherhood in each of its forms, but there’s something so uniquely beautiful about capturing a glowing pregnant mother.
Pregnancy can be a difficult nine months, but the end result is so worth it! These maternity photos give you the opportunity to talk to your children down the road and share the stories they will love to hear.
Here are five reasons why taking maternity photos will be worth the time and investment:

1. Celebrate your pregnancy journey!
As I mentioned, pregnancy might not be an experience you enjoy, especially in the later months. Lots of women feel self-conscious as their bodies change and grow, so it’s understandable why they might not want photos taken.
It can be a challenge to remember how miraculous pregnancy really is, but a maternity photo session allows you to focus on the life your body is working so hard to form.
Once you take a step back and appreciate the beauty of bringing a human being into this world, it’ll spark that wonder and appreciation for your strong body that can do some incredible things.

2. Mark this moment in your family’s growth.
Whether this is your first child, baby number 4, or anywhere in between, this time of life is one to enjoy! Family members of all ages can get involved in the photo session, and pictures taken with siblings are some of the sweetest ones.
How fun will it be to look at these pictures later in life and remember each of your children’s personalities when their other siblings came into this world?

3. Spend one-on-one time with your partner.
I love witnessing the interactions between couples as they celebrate the new lives they’re bringing to the world; it’s so cool to see! Your maternity shoot gives you and your partner a chance to reflect on the life you’ve built together and reflect on how your relationship has transformed since you first met.
Also, this shoot is the perfect excuse for a date night afterwards – your makeup will be on-point and you’ll both be dressed to the nines! Seize the opportunity and enjoy a date with your special someone after your moment in front of the camera.

4. Announce your pregnancy to your loved ones!
Maternity pictures are the perfect way to officially announce your pregnancy, baby’s gender, or even their name to friends and family!
The options are endless. Bring little baby shoes, props that have special meaning for you, or anything else you can imagine to make these pictures even more special for you.

5. Capture the images worth displaying.
Imagine having images on your walls from every stage in your family’s history ranging from your wedding day all the way to the present day. Each picture tells a story and is worth 1,000 words!
Maternity photos are the perfect way to mark each child that joins your family, each occasion just as important as your wedding day.
I’d say that’s worth capturing! You can use the pictures for announcements, photo albums, or gifts for grandparents for them to love and adore as well.

Well, there you have it! These are my top five reasons to have a maternity photos session, and I can honestly say you’ll appreciate having these pictures down the road when the babies are grown and you’re missing the newborn stages.

Thank you so much for reading my blog post.
If you are interested in booking a Maternity photos session with Jommy Photography, and would like more information, please CLICK HERE to see the experience.For investment information, please click HERE.
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